Archives mensuelles : mai 2019

Journée d’études Matérialités vocales : voix, genre et médias

Aron Arnold, membre de l’équipe du projet NoBiPho, donnera une conférence plenière lors de la Journée d’études Materialités vocales : voix, genre et médias le 20 juin 2019 à Toulouse. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici.

Aron Arnold, member of the NoBiPho team, will give a keynote talk at the Journée d’études Materialités vocales : voix, genre et médias on June 20th 2019 in Toulouse. For more information, click here.

Lavender Languages and Linguistics 26

LeAnn Brown a présenté une communication ( Maria Candea,  Oriana Reid-Collins, Julie Abbou et James German) lors de la conférence Lavender Linguistics 26 à Goteborg, Suède, du 2-4 mai 2019, intitulée “Non-binary speakers and mixed research methods: Interpreting multiplex gender identity in language research”. Le résumé se trouve ici.

LeAnn Brown gave a talk prepared with co-authors Maria Candea, Oriana Reid-Collins, Julie Abbou and James German at Lavender Linguistics 26 in Gothenburg, Sweden, held from 2-4 May 2019. The talk was entitled “Non-binary speakers and mixed research methods: Interpreting multiplex gender identity in language research”. The abstract can be accessed here.

Veille médiatique / media watch: English

Disclaimer: the views expressed in the resources listed below do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the NoBiPho project.

Last updated: Sept. 24, 2019

Gender stereotyping in literature shown at statistical level:

Non-binary Russians finding ways to “fight” gender in Russian:

Gender Marker X: 

Gender-free cabin at a US summer camp:

Non-binary artists:  

Article on queer voice:

Non-binary and trans masculine people discussing identity, affirmation, and more:

A special issue on pronominal forms and trans / nonbinary communities: “Legitimizing ‘iel’? Language and Trans Communities in Francophone and Anglophone Spaces”:

On a young woman who chooses her voice:, 16 July 2019

Internet Journal for Gender Studies:

Article arguing against nonbinarity (also see comments section): , 28 June 2016

Youtube video of a person from “Queer Eye” (a tv show) who is non-binary with David Letterman:, Jun 27, 2019

On gender and AI :

The article about queer identity on the internet and customed gender on FB :

“‘Little Fresh Meat’ and the Changing Face of Masculinity in China” New York Times, June 12, 2019

Artificial intelligence, voice recognition and faces (and gender bias): “AI Listened to People’s Voices. Then It Generated Their Faces.” LiveScience, June 11, 2019. ” And the research paper referred to in the article. “The algorithm also showed gender bias, associating low-pitched voices with male faces and high-pitched voices with female faces.”

Imperfect Pitch“. Blog post by Deborah Cameron about a woman recently charged for fraud, who is also accused of having faked her low voice. June 7, 2019.

After the survey in French media stating that 13% of the 18-25 self-qualify as non-binary, a NY Times article stating that over a third of Americans now in their teens and early 20s know someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns: Which Box Do You Check? Some States Are Offering a Nonbinary Option“. New York Times, May 29, 2019.

Article on term “neuroqueer”: “Neuroqueer: An Introduction” in Neurocosmopolitanism, May 2, 2019.

Can there be a genderless voice?” blog post by Deborah Cameron, April 22, 2019.

Website that has a fan built dictionary of terms cross-referenced to episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

A blog paper about gender and voice in speech recognition:

A special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language about Transgender and Language, March 2019.

Interview with Jacob Tobia on The Daily Show on new book “Sissy”, March 21, 2019 : Jacob Tobia – Promoting a “Gender-Chill” Exploration of Identity with “Sissy” | The Daily Show

Facial Recognition Software Regularly Misgenders Trans People“. Article about how transgender folk are not kept in mind when designing these technologies and about how technology is never neutral. Motherboard, February 19, 2019

Veille médiatique / media watch: France

Avertissement : les opinions exprimées dans les ressources médiatiques citées ci-dessous ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles des personnes associées au projet NoBiPho.

dernier màj le 17/09/2019

Lien vers le première épisode d’une série d’émissions dans Les chemins de la philosophie sur France Culture sur le thème de “Philosophie de la transition” (L’émission sera diffusée le lundi 2 septembre, mais elle est déjà accessible sur le site de France Culture) :

Numéro spécial sur les formes pronominales et les communautés trans / nonbinaires anglophones et francophones : “Legitimizing ‘iel’? Language and Trans Communities in Francophone and Anglophone Spaces”:

Entretien avec Gianfranco Rebucini, anthropologue du genre et des sexualités, la veille de la Marche des Fiertés parisienne :, 28 juin 2019

Emission « le genre en pleine confusion ? » dimanche 5 mai à 19h40 sur France Ô.

Drag queens, personnes non-binaires et la pop-culture, article paru le 6 mai sur le Nouvel Obs en ligne.

Dossier paru le 27-28 mars 2019 dans le Nouvel Obs en ligne :

Ni fille ni garçon : la révolution du genre

La salutaire remise en question des stéréotypes sur le genre

Ni homme ni femme : 14% des 18-44 ans se disent “non-binaires”